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EdReady lets you assess your readiness for college math, see study options, and get a personalized study path to fill in knowledge gaps.To login, students must use their AD login at school the first time, then they can login from any computer to get specialized ACT practice help on just the areas they need.



1.     Go to the following  website:

2.     Use your AD login (school computer login) to get into the canvas program

3.     Click and agree to the term provided through canvas

4.     Go to course at the top of the page and click on ACT prep Course

5.     Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Start Your Pathway

6.     Click on load Nevada EdReady

7.     Click on the picture below your goals

8.     Click on Go to Goal

9.     Scroll down to Prepare for ACT and click on Assessment

10.   Click on Jump Straight to Assessment or you may click on Start by choosing schools and select

schools of interest.  Once selected it will then take you to ACT Test Prep


ACT Test Dates & SAT Test Dates

SAT Fee Waiver information

FREE SAT Practice Tests and Tips Academy SAT & ACT Practice


The Khan Academy now offers free access to online practice tools to all students who have taken the PSAT or SAT.


Colleges will accept either the SAT or ACT. So which should you take?

It's all about the numbers. Some students end up scoring substantially higher on the SAT; others do better on the ACT. In lieu of a crystal ball, we created The Princeton Review StartUp designed to help you explore both tests.

To help you zero in on the right test, here are seven key features of the ACT and the New SAT:

1. ACT questions tend to be more straightforward. On the SAT, you may need to spend time figuring out what

 you're being asked before you can start solving the problem.

2. The SAT has a stronger emphasis on vocabulary.  If you're an ardent wordsmith, you'll love the SAT.

If words aren't your thing, you may do better on the ACT.

3. The ACT has a Science section, while the SAT does not.  The ACT science section is meant to test your reading

and reasoning skills based upon a set of data or conflicting viewpoints. But if you're a true science-phobe, the

SAT might be a better fit.

​4. Both tests now have the same advanced math concepts.  You can expect questions in arithmetic, algebra I & II,

geometry and trigonometry.

5. Both essays are optional.  You have 50 minutes to complete the essay on the SAT and 40 minutes to complete

it on the ACT.

6. Although both essays are optional...The SAT essay is more comprehension focused while the ACT wants to see

how well you can evaluate and take a position on complex issues.

7. The ACT is scored on a scale of 1-36 and the SAT is scored on a scale of 400-1600.  Three points on the SAT

isn’t a big deal, but three points on the ACT could be the difference between your target school and your dream school.


ACT Test Information


The ACT is now the more popular college admissions standardized test in the US, with the number of test-takers exceeding that of the SAT.


ACT stands for the “American College Test” and covers skills that you’ve learned in school. It began with four sections: English, Math, Social Studies, and Natural Sciences. You can find out more information about the ACT by visiting


In college admissions, the ACT Composite Score is by far the most important score. It is calculating by taking an average of your 4 core section scores, with these important points:

  • ​The Composite is rounded to the nearest whole number

  • 0.5 is rounded UP to the nearest whole number.


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